Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sham Flange

Part 1 of my Bedroom Mini-Makeover is complete!

In case you don't remember, the first step was to make an oversized bolster pillow in the Modern Meadow Sunflower fabric.  And I did make it!  Here is the proof:

Although pillows are very easy to make (sew a rectangle), I decided to fancy it up by adding a 2" flange and an envelope closure.  FANCY!!!!!!!!!  Both are actually very easy (i.e., more rectangles)!

To make the envelope closure, cut out two rectangles for the front and back of your pillow.  Then cut off about 8" from the width of the pillow front.  Next, measure in about 12" from the side of your pillow back and cut the fabric.  Hem both sides of the cut fabric.  Pin the two pieces of the back to the front, overlapping the edges to account for the 8" you cut off the other side.  Sew together as usual and you get an envelope closure!

Here is a pic of the envelope closure.  It is on the back of the pillow near one of the short edges:

You can also sort of see the 2" flat flange edge in that photo.  To make the flange, pull your sewn pillow right-side-out and press the seams.  Then sew a rectangle 2" in from the edges around all sides.  I used 2" painters tape to mark the seams.

Did that make sense?  Let's have a look-see at the flange.  See?  Just another rectangle:

Now I wanted this pillow to be as big and as rectangular as it could using 1 yard of fabric.  When it was done, I measured and saw that I needed an inner pillow size 33 x 14.  Does that even exist?  Answer: No.

So I just made one!  So easy -- get some pillow fluff and basic muslin fabric from Joann's and sew yet another rectangle.  Here is the inner pillow:

Right now, the pillow looks very round (I think I overstuffed it with pillow fluff) so I'm going to have to sit on it for a while to flatten it out.

Lesson learned: PILLOWS!  They are easy and fun and made of rectangles!

Next step:  curtains!  WATCH FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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