Monday, January 23, 2012

Project Checklist - Item 4 - Quilt Completed!

The birthday quilt for my niece is complete!  Yay!!!  I am so relieved it was at least finished in the month of her birthday.  My lateness is improving!  The quilt is currently in the air and/or on a truck towards Maine.  I'm not sure exactly how UPS works.

As a reminder, the quilt was made using the Crazy Nine-Patch Lattice Quilt from Oh, Fransson! and the fabric is Lark by Amy Butler.  I think the binding is Kona Charcoal or some other dark grey.

Here is the front!

Here is the back!

Detail of back:

Detail of front:

With a 5-year old in Mario pajamas for size reference:

A whole quilt checked off my Checklist of projects to complete!  Yay for me.  Check back in tomorrow for another exciting checklist development!!!