Friday, January 27, 2012

A Thought. Plus a Vote!

As you may or may not know, I have one son (he's 5 for size reference).  For a while, I would look longingly over at the girls' section of a clothing or fabric store and think how much more fun it was.  All the boys stuff was either SPORTS or TRUCKS with a sprinkling of DINOS.  Ugh.  I don't like any of those things!

But now, there is an amazing variety of cute (not cutesy!) stuff for boys all over the fabric stores!  I have been thinking of doing a mini-makeover of my son's room using some of these new, fun fabrics.  Here are the options I am considering.  VOTE IN THE COMMENTS!

Option #1:  On the bed, a this bedding from the Ikea (large navy dots):

And this fabric for the drapes:

Option #2:  On the bed, this striped duvet cover from West Elm:

And this fabric for the drapes:

Option #3:  This Land of Nod guitar bedding:

With maybe this wood grain fabric for the drapes? 

I don't know!  I kind of like all of them.  Tell my why you love or hate any of them.  If you hate them all, tell me that too!  Have a great weekend!!!!


  1. I like #2 combo the best. It will grow well as your son ages, and old school scooters and union jacks are hip, cool and unlikely to become dated or trendy. Plus the subtle patterns allows flexibility for room for pillows and other decor to pop.

  2. TWO VOTES! This is my most popular poll ever!!!!!!! Winner to be announced shortly.....waiting for tie breaker.....
