Wednesday, June 22, 2011



No, of course not.

As I'm sure you can't wait to find out, CBT is "continuous bias tape" -- a long strip of material cut on the bias.  You make it by cutting a rectangle of fabric at a 45 degree angle (so the threads are diagonal instead of up-and-down), sewing that fabric into a parallelogram, sewing your parallelogram into a tube, then cutting that tube into strips!

Here are my yards and yards of tape made from 1 yard of turquoise fabric:

See how the grain of the fabric is diagonal?  Ignore jagged edges.  Need new scissors.

I'm not going to lie to you.  It was very complicated.

Luckily, there were detailed instructions in my favorite sewing book, so I was able to manage.

I did run into one problem where I just couldn't figure out how to make the parallelogram.  I had to ask my husband for help.  I ask him for help all the time on my sewing projects!  This is how he helps:

Me:  Can you help me with this?  My brain is so confused!

Husband:  Sure.  What are you trying to do?

Me:  [Reads the directions out loud, very slowly.  Immediately figures out how to do it correctly.]

Husband:  What???  What language is that in?  What is "BI-AAASSS"????

Me:  Don't worry!  I figured it out!

Husband:  Well, ok.  [Goes back to watching Swamp Brothers on TV]


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