Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sewin' It!

(Sing to the tune of Makin' It by David Naughton)

Do you read a lot of home decor DIY blogs?  If so, you already know this.  But if not.... listen up, because I'm going to tell you something you definitely don't know.


Yes!  Chevrons are way in.  You gotta have a chevron!  Rug, fabric, paint, whatever.  Just get some!

Nevertheless, I have yet to see chevron fabric at the stores I go to in real life (it is easy to find online).  But, you can get great striped fabric at Ikea.  And, as we know, chevrons are just crooked stripes!

So, after work one day I popped into the Ikea and bought 1 yard of navy and white striped fabric.  It also came in red and green, but I don't like red and the green was sold out, so navy it was.  Incidentally, navy is my favorite color for clothes and cars, but green is my favorite home decor color.   So....there's that.

Anyway, using a rotary cutter and mat, I cut half of the fabric into 3" strips at a 45 degree angle going one way, and half at a 45 degree angle going the other way.  You have to do it both ways to get the chevron pattern (unless your fabric is reversible).  Then, I sewed the strips together and pressed the hems open with an iron.  Then I cut the now chevron material into rectangles and made this pillow:

Pretty nice, right?  Even the cat was into it!  He kept staring at the pillow.

Just like that.  Now the pillow lives in my son's room on a little chair.  Looks super cute!

The whole project took about an hour.  Make a chevron pillow!  You will not regret it.

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